Bursary Fund
Your gift. Their future.
One school. One family.
At Kimbolton, we believe every child deserves the chance to thrive in a supportive and inspiring environment. Our bursary programme exists to make this possible for pupils whose families could not otherwise afford it.
Since 1600, widening access to education has been central to our mission, making it fitting—425 years later—to launch a bursary campaign that reaffirms our founding purpose.

Bursary Stories
Hear inspiring stories from our bursary recipients, showcasing how the support of our bursary programme transforms lives, unlocks potential, and provides opportunities for pupils to thrive at Kimbolton School.

Hear from Beverley Taylor-Carson, an Old Kimboltonian (2003), as she shares how bursaries have had a transformative impact on her life.
Why support our bursary fund?
Your support helps us provide bursaries ranging from 10% to 100% of annual fees, ensuring deserving pupils can join our community.
- £10/month from 150 donors provides enough funding for one pupil for a year.
- £50/month from 30 donors covers a full bursary for a child annually.
- If every Old Kimboltonian gave £10/month, we could raise over £800,000 per year – enough to fund 40 full bursaries.
Every contribution matters, no matter the size. Together, we can transform lives and ensure Kimbolton continues to empower future generations.
Your donation could also qualify for Gift Aid, increasing its impact by 25%. There are other ways of donating from both the UK and the USA which can be tax-effective. You can find out more about this in the FAQ below.

Get involved
You can support our bursary fund by donating here.
If you are a US taxpayer, please read the FAQ below.
For a conversation about how you can help, or to arrange a visit to the school, please contact Samuel Venn, Development Director.
Why do bursaries matter?
We are committed to ensuring that Kimbolton School is an institution built on talent and not purely on the ability to pay fees. We strive to deliver an outstanding, modern, all-round education that challenges children to become curious, kind, and courageous young adults with a strong moral compass, able to make a difference to the world.
We are one school, one family, and we want to be able to help those who need assistance with fees when they require it.
Why should I give?
Education sets children up for life, and a quality education is a gift to be treasured. If you have enjoyed a transformational Kimbolton School education, or feel strongly in the value of our education, and feel able to pass on this gift, it will make a huge difference to a young person’s life. In short, bursaries change lives.
Will my support really change things?
Yes. All bursaries are means-tested to ensure only those recipients in the greatest need get the help they deserve, so the school can be sure true talent is fostered in those aspiring to a Kimbolton School education.
I only have a little to spare. Is it worth me giving?
It certainly is. We can pool small or regular donations to help fund a bursary. We also offer bursary grants from 10-100% worth of fee remission. If every Old Kimboltonian gave just £10/month, we would raise £800,000 per annum for bursaries – enough to fund 40 full bursaries.
How much would fund a full bursary place?
This is currently set at £20,000 per year (as of January 2025), or £140,000 to fund a pupil throughout their time in the Senior School. Gift Aid can bolster the value of a donation by 25%, and it anticipated that full bursaries will be exempt from the Governments’ planned introduction of VAT on School fees.
How do I give towards bursaries?
In the first instance, please contact Samuel Venn, Development Director (sov@kimboltonschool.com, 01480 775080). We will make sure the benefit of your philanthropic intent is maximised, and that your bursary is personalised to you.
Is it easy to set up?
Regular gifts and one-off donations can be made easily online. If you wish to set up a standing order, or make a one-off payment, please contact the Development Director, who can supply the school’s bank details. You might also want to consider making a bequest in your Will. We always advise speaking to a legal and / or financial professional if you are making a Will, and you can read more information on legacy giving from our website which can be used in conjunction with professional advice. If you wish to leave a legacy to Kimbolton School for a specific purpose (e.g.: to create a named bursary), please do talk to us so that we can ensure that your wishes can be best carried out.
I am a UK Taxpayer. Can I donate tax-effectively?
UK charities can reclaim Gift Aid on cash donations made by UK taxpayers, provided the donor completes a Gift Aid declaration and pays sufficient Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover the total amount of tax reclaimed by all charities they support in the relevant tax year. Currently, charities can claim 25p for every £1 donated.
Those who pay tax at the higher rate /the additional rate can claim further tax relief in their Self-Assessment tax returns, further information can be found at HM Government information on Gift Aid.
As an example, a one-off gift of £200 is worth £250 to a charity once gift aid is reclaimed.
Additionally, if the donor is a higher rate (40%) taxpayer, they can reclaim the difference between the basic rate of tax (40%- 20% = 20%) of the value of the gross donation via their tax return, thus meaning that a donation worth £250 to the school only costs the donor £150.
There are also special arrangements for donating property or listed shares to a UK charity, which can sometimes result in exemption from both Capital Gains Tax as well as enabling the donor to deduct the value of the shares on the date of transfer from their taxable income for the year. For more information, please contact the Development Director.
I am a US Taxpayer. Can I donate tax-effectively?
US taxpayers are able to make tax-deductible donations in favour of Kimbolton School by giving to the British Schools and Universities Foundation (‘BSUF’), which is a charitable organisation recognised by the US Internal Revenue Service under section 501(c)(3) of their Codes.
BSUF was founded more than 40 years ago to allow US taxpayers to support British schools and universities in a tax-efficient manner, and today supports more than 100 such institutions. Kimbolton School became an approved institution in 2024, allowing our supporters and alumni to receive full tax exemption on their gifts.
Donations can be made by downloading a US Donor Transmittal Form and sending it, together with your check (made payable to “British Schools and Universities Foundation”), to BSUF at the address below. Please note that donors are asked to express a ‘preference’ for Kimbolton School in the transmittal form – although such preferences are respected by the board of BSUF, US law requires all grants to be made at the board’s sole discretion.
Donations and completed gift forms should be sent to:
British Schools and Universities Foundation,
641 Lexington Avenue, 15th Fl.
New York, NY 10022-4503
(212) 662-5576
BSUF can also take donations by Credit Card and Wire transfer, as well as receiving donations of securities, matching gifts, and planned giving.
Full details: www.bsuf.org/donate
Can I donate to the Old Kimboltonians’ Association Scholarship Trust Fund?
Of course. Donations are welcomed both direct to the School or to the Old Kimboltonians’ Association Scholarship Trust Fund. The OKA Scholarship Trust Fund is a separate charity which gives an annual grant to the School to provide scholarship awards to Sixth Form students who, due to specific circumstances, would not be able to further their education at Kimbolton without the support of a bursary award.
Can I talk to someone about leaving a gift to Kimbolton School in my Will?
We would be delighted to hear from you. To arrange a confidential discussion, please email or call the Development Director, Samuel Venn sov@kimboltonschool.com 01480 775080. We always advise speaking to a legal and / or financial professional if you are making a Will, and you can read more information on legacy giving which can be used in conjunction with professional advice. If you wish to leave a legacy to Kimbolton School for a specific purpose (e.g.: to create a named bursary), please do talk to us so that we can ensure that your wishes can be best carried out.
Do bursaries make a real difference to a pupil’s life?
They absolutely do. A series of individual stories appear on this page and are a wonderful testament to the transformational value a bursary makes to the recipient. If you received a bursary and would like to share your story, please get in touch with us – we would be delighted to hear from you.
Do you want to know more?
Please contact us to arrange a call or visit. Samuel Venn, Development Director: email sov@kimboltonschool,com, or call 01480 775080). Thank you.