Online safety and iPads
Online safety and iPads
Online safety
Our aim
To protect all members of the school community from the adverse consequences of access to or use of electronic media, including bullying, inappropriate sexualised behaviours or exploitation.
At Kimbolton School, we are committed to equipping our students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.
Our approach to online safety and digital learning is designed to empower students to harness technology for learning, creativity, and communication while staying protected from potential risks.
Working together
We believe that a collaborative approach between students, parents, and the school is key to success. By combining robust safeguarding measures, modern digital tools, and clear communication, we create a supportive environment where students can thrive in the digital age.
Our approach
The internet is an incredible tool for learning, communication, and entertainment. However, it also comes with challenges and potential dangers.
At Kimbolton, we proactively teach students about responsible online behaviour, critical thinking, and how to protect their digital identity.
We provide regular workshops, assemblies, and classroom discussions covering topics such as:
- Cyberbullying and digital resilience
- Protecting personal information
- Recognising and avoiding online scams
- Managing screen time effectively
We also work closely with parents, offering guidance and resources to help them support their children in staying safe online.
Information for parents
Articles, expert advice and resources available at Parent Zone and CEOP, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection command of the National Crime Agency, are designed to help parents keep up with what their children are doing online.
Facts about digital safety
The following facts might surprise you:
- 25% of a teenager’s ‘friends’ online are people that they have only met online
- 94% of teenagers are on Facebook but Twitter and Instagram now have a faster growth rate in terms of teenage usage
- 70% of teenagers use a smartphone
- 38% of young people have been affected by bullying online
Online safety at Kimbolton
The Internet is an integral part of our lives and a useful resource for us all. However, there are some risks and it is important that teachers, parents and pupils all work together to ensure its safe use. At Kimbolton we believe it is essential to educate pupils on e-safety issues; teaching them the appropriate behaviours and critical thinking skills to enable them to remain both safe and legal when using the internet and related technologies, in and beyond the context of the classroom.
Social networks, blogs, mobile phones and email have become increasingly important in our daily lives. They can have benefits but, as we all know, there are also risks to be considered. It is essential that pupils, teachers and parents are aware of the risks and know how to use modern technologies appropriately. It is helpful to discuss the issues in school, at home and between friends, and to know what actions to take should something goes wrong.
Pupils are encouraged to report any negative issues they may encounter online to a trusted adult, which includes all School staff. Students are informed how to report cyber-bullying and e-safety posters are displayed in prominent positions.
Bi-annually we have an Online Safety Week with relevant activities within tutor time and outside speakers during PSHE lessons.
Online safety officers
Online safety tips
Social media
Useful tips on social media usage
A recent survey carried out by AVG, an internet Security Company, found that:
- 23% of babies in Britain had an online presence before they were born
- 33% had an online presence by the age of six months
- 81% had an online presence by the age of two
- 7% of babies have an email address
- 5% have a social network profile
Will these parents want photos of their children in the public domain when their children are 7? 17? Or 70? Parents must be aware of privacy settings on their social network, otherwise these images can be shared with the whole online world.
- Are your privacy settings private?
- Think before you post
- What personal information is available online about you?
- Search for yourself – IS everything that appears good?
- What images of your children do you upload? Can anyone see them?
social media checklists
Additional online safety advice for parents
The links and pdf downloads below provide comprehensive information about online safety so you, along with your children, can decide what is right for your family when using the Internet and associated technologies:
- ThinkUknow – advice for parents and carers (a link to ThinkUknow is at the foot of every Kimbolton School webpage)
- CEOP Command Safety Centre – advice for children, parents and carers
- ParentPort – sets and enforces standards across the media to protect children from inappropriate material
- Digizen – information for educators, parents, carers, and young people
- Childnet – a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children
- KidSMART – online safety advice for children, parents and teachers
- Chatdanger – a site all about the potential dangers of interactive services online like chat, IM, online games, email and on mobiles
- Get Safe Online – Free online security advice
- NSPCC Internet Safety – leading children’s charity fighting to end child abuse in the UK and Channel Islands
- ChildLine online and mobile safety – tips for staying safe on websites and phones
- O2 – Keeping kids safe – Guide to keping your family safe in the digital world
- UK Safer Internet Centre – e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet
iPads for learning
To further enhance the educational experience, Kimbolton operates a 1:1 iPad scheme, enabling students to benefit from a modern and interactive approach to learning.
This initiative complements our commitment to online safety, ensuring students use technology responsibly as part of their education.
iPADs at Kimbolton
Why do we have iPads for pupils
- iPads help pupils organise, communicate, learn and study at home and in school.
- Individual access to technology is not something that should happen in a few rooms in a school. It should be for everyone, everywhere, anytime. iPads allow that.
- Pupils are used to having access to the internet at all times, in all places – school should not be the exception.
- Why would we not want pupils to have access to the greatest source of information ever assembled and study in their own innovative and personalised way?
- We need to make tablets a means of education for pupils not just entertainment.Pupils need to learn about safe, effective, educational use of this technology.
- We want to make the educational experience for pupils at Kimbolton as varied, dynamic and stimulating as possible.
What do pupils use iPads for?
It is hard to describe the full extent as pupils are always finding new and interesting ways to utilise the technology but the following are typical:
- Podcasts, blogging, video, forums, the ‘flipped classroom’
- Pupils’ research and writing – promoting independent learning
- Pupils’ creativity in subjects using apps for art, drama, design, planning, animations, mind-mapping
- With projector and Apple TV – projection and teaching from tablet sharing with pupils
- eBooks/iBooks—use of Kimbolton iTunes U for teaching and learning
- Ease of internet access and immediate online research, video, resources etc.
- Lesson and subject resources available online and delivered not printed
- Camera/video function to record/project experiments and presentations
- Subject related apps in the classroom and at home
- Annotation of texts/notes, collaborative work and sharing of work
- Skype/internet link-ups with partner schools
- Applications possible in all subject areas
- Online submission of digital homework