OKA membership
Joining OKA
When a student leaves Kimbolton School they become a fully fledged Old Kimboltonian and member of the OKA.
Members receive regular publications and communications, including the annual OK News magazine which provides school news, reports on OKA activities and information on current alumni achievements.
Becoming a member
If you are an OK and opted out of joining the OKA when you left school and have changed your mind, or have not been receiving OKA correspondence, please complete the OKA update form or contact the Alumni Office.
There is no membership fee, however if you would like to make a contribution to support the costs incurred by running the OKA, or to the OKA Trust Fund please indicate this on the form.
Send us your news!
Our students are inspired by alumni stories and careers. If you would be happy to share your experiences, please email alumni@kimboltonschool.com to get a copy of the form.
Alumni profiles may be featured in our prospectus, on our website, social media, or as part of School displays and presentations. By submitting this form, you are giving your permission for us to use your profile in this way.
Thank you for your support and for taking the time to contribute your profile – it’s much appreciated.