Inspections and reviews
In this section
- Art at Kimbolton School
- Biology at Kimbolton School
- Business at Kimbolton School
- Careers
- Chemistry at Kimbolton School
- Design technology and engineering
- Digital learning and computer science
- Drama at Kimbolton School
- English as an Additional Language (EAL)
- English at Kimbolton School
- Geography at Kimbolton School
- History at Kimbolton School
- Languages at Kimbolton School
- Mathematics at Kimbolton School
- Music at Kimbolton School
- Philosophy, ethics and religion
- Physical Education
- Physics at Kimbolton School
- Privacy Policy
- Website terms and conditions
- A school where the future is shaped with integrity
- About us
- Cookie settings
- Engage forms
- Induction pack Lower Prep
- Induction pack Senior School – Boarding pupils
- Induction pack Senior School – Day pupils
- Induction pack Upper Prep
- Media gallery
- Site map
- Welcome to Ingrams
- Admissions
- Prep School (4-11)
- Senior School (11-16)
- Welcome to Senior School
- Academic – Senior
- GCSE Art
- GCSE Biology
- GCSE Computer Science
- GCSE Chemistry
- GCSE Design Technology
- GCSE Drama
- GCSE English (Lang/Lit)
- GCSE Food and Nutrition
- GCSE French
- GCSE Geography
- GCSE History
- GCSE Maths/Further Maths
- GCSE Music
- GCSE Philosophy, Religion & Ethics
- GCSE Physical Education
- GCSE Physics
- GCSE Spanish
- EAL – Senior School
- Academic support – Senior
- Our Digital School
- PSHE in Senior School
- Vanbrugh Library
- Queen Katharine Building (QKB)
- Essay writing competition
- Beyond the classroom in Senior School
- Well-being and pastoral in Senior School
- Future careers
- Extended school day
- Sixth Form (16-18)
- Welcome to Sixth Form
- Academic – Sixth Form
- A Levels
- A Level Art (Critical and Contextual)
- A Level Art (Fine Art)
- A Level Art (Photography)
- A Level Biology
- A Level Business
- A Level Computer Science
- A Level Chemistry
- A Level Design Technology (Engineering)
- A Level Drama and Theatre
- A Level Economics
- A Level English Language
- A Level English Literature
- A Level French
- A Level Further Mathematics
- A Level Geography
- A Level History
- A Level Mathematics
- A Level Music
- A Level Philosophy, Religion & Ethics
- A Level Physical Education
- A Level Physics
- A Level Politics
- A Level Psychology
- A Level Spanish
- EAL – Sixth Form
- Academic support in Sixth Form
- Extended Project Qualification
- A Levels
- Beyond the classroom in Sixth Form
- Well-being and pastoral in Sixth Form
- Future careers
- Boarding
- News
- Current families
- Academic staff list
- Co-curricular programme
- Office contacts and absence reporting
- Calendar
- Dining and menus
- Exams (GCSE / A Level)
- Kim Club
- Duke of Edinburgh’s Award information
- Kimbolton School Parents’ Association
- Health Centre
- Online safety and iPads
- School shop
- Sports fixtures
- Summer sports week
- Uniform – current families
- School day
- Residential trips (Senior/Sixth)
- Wellbeing Hub
- Staff & pupils
- Alumni
- Sports & venue hire
- Support us
- Hidden
- Art at Kimbolton School
- Biology at Kimbolton School
- Business at Kimbolton School
- Careers
- Chemistry at Kimbolton School
- Design technology and engineering
- Digital learning and computer science
- Drama at Kimbolton School
- English as an Additional Language (EAL)
- English at Kimbolton School
- Geography at Kimbolton School
- History at Kimbolton School
- Languages at Kimbolton School
- Mathematics at Kimbolton School
- Music at Kimbolton School
- Philosophy, ethics and religion
- Physical Education
- Physics at Kimbolton School
- Privacy Policy
- Website terms and conditions
- A school where the future is shaped with integrity
- About us
- Cookie settings
- Engage forms
- Induction pack Lower Prep
- Induction pack Senior School – Boarding pupils
- Induction pack Senior School – Day pupils
- Induction pack Upper Prep
- Media gallery
- Site map
- Welcome to Ingrams
- Admissions
- Prep School (4-11)
- Senior School (11-16)
- Welcome to Senior School
- Academic – Senior
- GCSE Art
- GCSE Biology
- GCSE Computer Science
- GCSE Chemistry
- GCSE Design Technology
- GCSE Drama
- GCSE English (Lang/Lit)
- GCSE Food and Nutrition
- GCSE French
- GCSE Geography
- GCSE History
- GCSE Maths/Further Maths
- GCSE Music
- GCSE Philosophy, Religion & Ethics
- GCSE Physical Education
- GCSE Physics
- GCSE Spanish
- EAL – Senior School
- Academic support – Senior
- Our Digital School
- PSHE in Senior School
- Vanbrugh Library
- Queen Katharine Building (QKB)
- Essay writing competition
- Beyond the classroom in Senior School
- Well-being and pastoral in Senior School
- Future careers
- Extended school day
- Sixth Form (16-18)
- Welcome to Sixth Form
- Academic – Sixth Form
- A Levels
- A Level Art (Critical and Contextual)
- A Level Art (Fine Art)
- A Level Art (Photography)
- A Level Biology
- A Level Business
- A Level Computer Science
- A Level Chemistry
- A Level Design Technology (Engineering)
- A Level Drama and Theatre
- A Level Economics
- A Level English Language
- A Level English Literature
- A Level French
- A Level Further Mathematics
- A Level Geography
- A Level History
- A Level Mathematics
- A Level Music
- A Level Philosophy, Religion & Ethics
- A Level Physical Education
- A Level Physics
- A Level Politics
- A Level Psychology
- A Level Spanish
- EAL – Sixth Form
- Academic support in Sixth Form
- Extended Project Qualification
- A Levels
- Beyond the classroom in Sixth Form
- Well-being and pastoral in Sixth Form
- Future careers
- Boarding
- News
- Current families
- Academic staff list
- Co-curricular programme
- Office contacts and absence reporting
- Calendar
- Dining and menus
- Exams (GCSE / A Level)
- Kim Club
- Duke of Edinburgh’s Award information
- Kimbolton School Parents’ Association
- Health Centre
- Online safety and iPads
- School shop
- Sports fixtures
- Summer sports week
- Uniform – current families
- School day
- Residential trips (Senior/Sixth)
- Wellbeing Hub
- Staff & pupils
- Alumni
- Sports & venue hire
- Support us
- Hidden
ISI Reports
As an independent school, our school inspections are carried out by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).
The ISI is a body approved for the purpose of inspection under Section 162A of the Education Act 2002. As such, it reports to the Department of Education on the extent to which schools meet statutory requirements.
The ISI is the agency responsible for the inspection of schools in membership of the Associations of the Independent Schools Council (ISC).
“A highly-regarded co-ed prep school on the Cambridgeshire border in a beautiful rural setting, known for its amazing facilities, extra-curricular activities and family-orientated atmosphere.”
Muddy Stillettos Review
“Pupils grow into mature, multi-faceted and empathic young adults with a strong awareness of their social responsibilities.”
ISI Report
“Pupils can spend their whole education at Kimbolton enjoying the benefits of a happy environment, small class sizes and excellent pastoral care. Not flashy but classy. Those parents in the know appreciate that a Kimbolton education is money well spent.”
“You’ll find 120 acres of glorious grounds and a stunning castle setting at this high-achieving co-ed senior school for day pupils and boarders age 11 – 18, with a strong all-rounder reputation and great results.”
Muddy Stillettos Review