Art at Kimbolton School
Art across Kimbolton School

Art at Kimbolton is for everyone. Each child has the opportunity to be creative in painting, printmaking and sculpture during their school career here.
We offer a broad, inclusive approach to the subject. Our large rooms and small classes enable us to be ambitious with scale, media and materials.
Our beautiful grounds and trips to galleries make it possible to take art out of the classroom throughout the year.
Discover what we offer
From drawing and painting to sculpture, textiles and photography, Art has a high profile at Kimbolton and we celebrate our pupils’ creativity at all ages via displays throughout the school plus annual art and DT exhibitions at the Prep and Senior Schools.
The subject is introduced at Reception and plays a key role in building our youngest children’s confidence and self-expression – as well as being lots of fun!
Art is taught as part of the curriculum from Year 3 to the Third Form in the Senior School, followed by optional GCSE and A Levels in the Fourth to Sixth Forms.
We offer a wide range of extra-curricular art and design clubs, trips, exhibitions and competitions, with opportunities for everyone to get involved whatever their age, ability or experience.