At Kimbolton School
GCSE subjects are more than just assessments. They are a chance to develop passions, explore academic ideas and consider future goals and ambitions.
Most pupils study nine GCSE subjects, with some taking an additional qualification in Further Mathematics.
In addition to GCSEs, all Fourth and Fifth Formers (Year 9 and 10) undertake PSHE, PE and Games lessons, and join either our Combined Cadet Force or Community Service Unit.
GCSE choices
Step one
Everyone takes:
*Set 1 and 2 Maths pupils also take Further Mathematics
Step two
Step three
Choose an additional three or four subjects. Choose at least one Humanities and one Foreign Language subject.
Modern Foreign Languages
- Art
- Computer Science
- Drama
- DT (Engineering)
- DT (Product Design)
- Food and Nutrition
- Music
- Physical Education
Science options
Combined Science (2 GCSEs) – all three subjects
This option allows pupils to maximise their options in other areas of the curriculum. It requires six science lessons a week. The level of challenge in the Combined Science course is the same as the Separate courses, but less content is covered.
Each science is examined in a separate paper and results are combined to give two Science GCSE grades (9,9, 9,8, 8,8, 8,7 etc). There is no coursework, but practical work is a key component, and pupils complete a number of required practicals examined in written papers.
Separate Sciences (3 GCSEs) – all three subjects in greater depth
This option allows pupils with an interest in and aptitude for science to focus on their academic strengths. Most A Level science candidates take the Separate Sciences route. Pupils take three lessons in Biology, Chemistry and Physics each week, a total of nine lessons.
Each science subject is examined in separate papers and results lead to a separate grade (e.g. 9; 8; 7 etc) for each subject. There is no coursework, but practical work is a key component of the course, and pupils complete a number of required practicals examined in written papers.
“Our GCSE curriculum is flexible and accommodates a host of academic interests. This is an opportunity to build a personalised curriculum based on individual interests and strengths.”
Mrs Ruth Taylor, Deputy Head (Academic).