Sixth Form Kimbolton students on their Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in Sixth Form

In this section

For students with a passion for adventure

Discover opportunities to explore positive, challenging and enjoyable activities, with our popular Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) programme. 

Reflecting our adventurous spirit, Kimbolton School is a Directly Licensed Centre (DLC) for the DofE Awards. In Sixth Form, we offer the Gold Award and our co-curricular activities and focus on service fit well with the DofE Award sections:

Volunteering – giving help in your local community.

  1. Skills – covering nearly every hobby, skill or interest.
  2. Expedition – training for and completing a journey on foot or horseback, by boat or cycle.
  3. Physical – sport, dance or fitness
  4. Gold Award Residential – five or more days and four nights on a purposeful project with new companions.

“The DoE Gold Award is prestigious and valued by influential people, universities and employers; it is not known as the Golden A Level for nothing!

” Mr Tony Lucas, DofE Manager

DofE Manager
Tony Lucas APIOL