Thinking of others
We encourage pupils to become involved in charitable fundraising and activities. Some activities, such as supporting the annual BBC Children in Need event, involve all pupils from age 4 to 18; others are targeted at smaller groups.
We are all aware of the hardship of others and are only too willing to help where we can. We feel this is an integral element of developing a sense of empathy towards others. We hold a number of fundraising activities each year and consistently raise tens of thousands of pounds.
Taking action
At the Prep School, the School Council with the assistance of staff determine which charities are supported. Events include cake stalls, non-uniform days and sponsored musical instrument practices.
In Senior School and Sixth Form our very active and successful Charities Committee comprising pupils from all year groups runs a wide range fundraising events for their peers.
These include discos, balls, competitions and talent shows in aid of a wide range of local, national and international charities.
Charity support
We have recently supported a wide range of national and local charities including:
- ActionAid
- Addenbrooke’s Premature Baby Unit
- BBC Children in Need
- British Heart Foundation
- British Legion
- Cancer Research
- Combat Stress
- Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day
- DEC Emergency Fund for Nepal
- East Anglia Children’s Hospice
- Help for Heroes
- Jeans for Genes
- Leonard Cheshire Disability
- Leukaemia Research
- MacMillan Cancer Support
- Moving Mountains
- RETT Syndrome Association
- Rise Africa (UK)
- Samaritan’s Purse
- Save the Children
- Shelter
- SOS Children’s Villages
- Teenage Cancer Trust
Kimbolton Senior School has also entered into a partnership with Essaman United School in Ghana.