On a busy Kimbolton lunchtime, amongst their busy schedules, Christian and Ruby were kind enough to take some time to tell me all about being Kimbolton’s head pupils.
After only half a term into the role, how are you getting on?
Christian and Ruby both are getting on brilliantly, which is clear to see. After declaring interest in the role last year, they are getting on just as well as they hoped and cannot wait to see where the role takes them as the year progresses. The pair highlighted how much of a responsibility the role is, and how it is a big change for their Kimbolton lives, but Ruby added that the responsibility is a nice one rather than a burden. Christian explained that they have settled in well and he told me how different it feels being in his final year at Kimbolton. The head pupils said they could not be doing the role as well as they are doing it without help from the teachers.
What support have you gotten with your roles?
The pair have a wide support network of which they are both extremely grateful for. Both of the duo are in Dawsons, and Christian tells me that Mr Wilson, their housemaster, has been a great help throughout. Ruby explained how he is ‘fabulous at making sure they are okay’ and how that has really helped them so far. Mr Chuter has also been brilliant support for them, with Christian noting how he consistently checks in on them to make sure they aren’t overwhelmed. They also mentioned the ongoing assistance that Dr Koch provides them. Despite these being the main support teachers for them, they explained that every teacher is supportive and that they feel if needed, all teachers are open for them to come to.
What challenges are you finding with the role?
Despite the roles many positives, they found challenges too, which as a pair they overcome together.
The bond between them was obvious, even from a 15-minute conversation. Ruby mentioned that with managing gown prefects, the pupil forum and parent’s evenings, the role can get busy, so patience is key. Christian added that you always have to be on your guard, ready to do things when you often get asked to. They stated that finding time to also do A Levels, sports and clubs can be challenging. But despite this, overcoming these challenges is part of the role, and the pair say that they have enjoyed finding ways to manage these.
What advice would you give for those going for the role?
All good things must come to an end, and Christian and Ruby told me that they will be sad to leave behind their Kimbolton life. They suggested getting involved in Kimbolton clubs, and to try new things, especially those that you passionate about. “Quality over quantity” the pair said. Not just in the role, Christian said to be kind and respectful to your teachers and peers, and Ruby explained how you are lucky to have them. They say make the most of your time at Kimbolton, and especially to the next heads of school, be good leaders, as I think the pair have most certainly been.
They say they will take away communication and a great friendship, and are extremely grateful for the opportunity.
Thank you both for sitting down with me, and I rather enjoyed our conversation!
Written by Toby T
Interviewed by Toby T. and Aidan M.